Creditwrench teaches the secrets of the debt collection industry and how to defeat their abusive practices without lawyers. We know how to win!
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Tiffany W. day in court
Questioner: Alika
Category: Collections Law
Private: No

Question: I have recently learned of a medical account in collections that began at about $800.After speaking to the debt collector and my insurance, about $150 was taken off.I have been paying $50-$100 monthly since February. I received a summons to answer within 20 days.I have my payment history and can show that I've made 6 payments (if that matters).My balance is now about $340-without interest.I called the collection agency and was told that I verbally agreed (which is not true)to pay every 2 weeks and this is why my account has gone in the direction it has.I have no idea how to answer the summons.HELP!!!!!!

Answer: Learning how to answer the summons is not all that difficult. Tiffany W. from Shawnee Oklahoma became a creditwrench student and learned how to answer her summons. She went to Court and argued her case before the judge and then on last night's creditwrench conference call she reported what happened in court. You can listen to her story as she told it to us.

Tiffany W. from Stillwater Oklahoma reports on her day in court.

Copy and paste the url above into your browser and listen to her tell about her day in court.

You too can learn how to do it.

Bill Bauer

How judgments work
18 questions to ask debt collectors when they call
How to defeat debt collectors

The Creditwrench conference calls will start this coming Friday evening at 7 P.M. Central time. It is free and open to the public. There is no cost or obligation other than what it may cost you for the phone call itself. You can join in and ask questions or just listen or whatever you want to do.

Dial-in Number: (712) 432-1601
Access code: 508548#

You might also want to visit our message forum at to get answers to questions you need answered before next Friday night.

If you live within driving distance of Oklahoma City you can also come to our monthly meeting of the Oklahoma City Chapter of Jurisdictionary meetings. They are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at Coit's Root Beer Stand which is located on the corner of SW 24th & Western Ave in Oklahoma City. The meetings start promptly at 7:00 P.M. and last for 2 hours. Attendees usually arrive about half an hour early so they can enjoy a good meal at Coit's Root Beer Stand. The meetings are free and open to the public and we can discuss your problems as well if you like.

We are going to start holding mock trials so that you can learn some court room procedures.

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