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Monday, June 18, 2007
Jurisdictionary Club

Lawsuit Self-Help ... Step-by-StepTips & Tactics

Getting at the Truth ...

There are only two kinds of lawyers: (1) those who use the tools and rules Jurisdictionary makes easy for you to understand and use to find the truth and put it in the court's official record and (2) those who will play any dirty trick they can to hide the truth from you and the rest of the world.

There are two kinds of truth in lawsuits: law and facts. As a party in a lawsuit you must get at both kinds of truth, and you must get them into the court's record. The law and the facts.

If you're up against the typical lawyer, you must anticipate that lawyer will play every dirty trick he can to hide the truth so it doesn't get into the court's record.

So, what do you do?

Remember: There are two kinds of truth in lawsuits. Law and facts.

Both must get into the court's record ... or you lose!

You get law into the record by citing authorities.

There are only four kinds of authorities.

  1. Constitutions - both state and federal
  2. Statutes - legislative enactments in all their many forms
  3. Rules - rules of procedure and rules of evidence
  4. Case Law - written opinions of appellate courts

My opinion, your opinion, or the opinion of your next door neighbor or email pen-pal doesn't count. Trust me on this.

Whether we like it or not, constitutions, statutes, and rules mean only what written opinions of our appellate courts say they mean. So, before you go into court armed with a statute or rule or constitutional provision in support of your case, do the research! Find out and be prepared to cite what the appellate courts have to say about it.

As for the facts, there are two kinds of facts. Facts that fall into the special category known as "admissible evidence" and everything else. And believe me, friends, if your facts aren't admissible they are of no value whatever in court.

You get admissible facts into the court's record using what we call discovery tools. There are only five of these

  1. Requests for Admissions - just what they sound like
  2. Requests for Production - getting papers and things from the other side
  3. Interrogatories - written questions that must be answered under oath
  4. Depositions - spoken questions that must be answered under oath
  5. Subpoenas and other court orders - that command others to respond

Jurisdictionary makes it easy for you to use the tools and rules wisely so you can get the facts of your case into the record ... in spite of the other side's dirty tricks to stop you!

Only the truth is true. Nothing else is.

The tools and rules of America's Justice System give you power to get at the truth (both law and facts) and put that truth into the court's official record so you can win your lawsuit ... if you use the tools and rules the way Jurisdictionary teaches in our step-by-step course.

Still only $219.


Learn how easy it is to win YOUR lawsuit!

Ask anyone who has our course. "Jurisdictionary Works!"

Our 24-hour 4-CD lawsuit self-help course explains lawsuit tools and rules so you can win ... with or without a lawyer!

It's not hard to win lawsuits when you know what we teach.

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Once you master the simple concepts we teach, you will be more powerful than most lawyers I met in more than 20 years practicing in state and federal courts as a licensed bar attorney!

Discover how Easy it is to Win Your Lawsuit!



Learn lawsuit procedure in 24-hours with our affordable self-help course. You'll gain a comprehensive understanding of litigation and confidence to control corrupt judges and defeat crooked lawyers.

Order our complete 24-hour course on 4 CDs today:

  • 5-hour video seminar CD simplifying the process of litigation
  • 2 audio CDs that cover practical tactics and procedures
  • 14 lawsuit-simplifying multimedia tutorials on a 4th CD.

Ask anyone who has our course. Jurisdictionary Works!

Save legal fees! Control judges! Defeat crooked lawyers!

Get your competitive edge with our easy self-help course.


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