Creditwrench teaches the secrets of the debt collection industry and how to defeat their abusive practices without lawyers. We know how to win!
Friday, January 20, 2006
T. J. Acton wins in Oklahoma County Court today.
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Student T.J. Acton of Oklahoma City stopped MERS cold in Oklahoma
County Court today.

T.J. Acton of Oklahoma City stops MERS cold

He will have a hearing in February to vacate the void judgment. We
have every reason to believe that he will win on that one too.

In another similiar situation with Bill Worden, the attorney for the
plaintiff claimed that his plaintiff absolutely had standing to sue in
Oklahoma Courts under Title 18 of the Oklahoma Statutes.

We have proved that the attorney has testified in making that
statement and that the statements did not originate from the Plaintiff
and is in fact in direct contradiction with what the Plaintiff has
publicly stated. We now allege that the attorney provided false and
misleading information to the court and have stated that providing
false and misleading information to an Oklahoma Court is a felony
offense of sufficient magnitude as to shock the sensibilities of the
court and that he should be sanctioned in an amount of money
sufficient to amend his bad behavior.

We are not making that as a motion but rather only as a suggestion to
the court. We will see how that turns out. But we do have proof
positive that the attorney improperly provided testimony to the court
which sas improper for him to do but also that his testimony was false
and fraudulent.

Should be fun.

Our regular Creditwrench conference call will be held this evening at 7:00 central and T. J. tells me he plans to be on the call tonight. The call in number is:

Dial-in Number: (605) 772-3001
Access code: 508548#

T.J. will relate the rest of the story about how a well known Oklahoma City attorney followed him out of the courtroom and told him that in over 30 years of law practice he had never seen a final foreclosure action stopped cold like that. He wanted to know how T.J. came to know how to do that. T.J. told him that it was just common knowledge and went on home.

Needless to say, although there is still a lot of courtroom activity to come in February and beyond T.J. is a mighty happy man today.

Although he should have no problems getting the judgment and foreclosure stopped and vacated as being null and void upon its face, he knows that someone will file a new case on him someday i the future but he will be giving them a whole bunch of new headaches very quickly. If they ever do actually get his home it will be many, many years down the road.

I have just noticed that although the post about T.J. Acton has only been up for about 5 hours now it is provig to be real
More than 300 people have clicked on the link in that short period of time.